Terms and Conditions

Welcome to AirportsTerminalFind. It is a trusted source to get information from various airlines worldwide. We are an independent platform operating online. We have no affiliations with any aviation organization, airlines, or travel companies.

Our focus is only to provide the informational content to the users. We don’t promote any third party through our website. If you use any external link on using our website. It is advisable to check the terms and conditions of the external link website properly to avoid any problems occurring in the future. This is not our responsibility if you face any data issues on using the external links.

Use of Information

AirportsTerminalFind served the content for general informational purposes. You should view it as professional advice on the website. We aim to provide the correct information on the website to serve our users. All the information could be changed without giving any prior information to the users. Therefore, we advise you to check all the details properly on using our website.

At times, it may be difficult for us to manage a huge database and delete all the links supposed to exist earlier. It is your responsibility to check all the information provided on the website. We recommend you consult the particular airline to make the flight bookings accordingly. We are responsible for any issues coming on the ticket bookings. It is your responsibility to connect with the concerned airlines regarding the tickets.

Unlawful Activity

You are prohibited from copying, modifying, distributing, reproducing, or publishing any content from the Airports TerminalFinder website. You should not do it without any prior written consent from our team.


We aim to improve the user experience with the help of cookies that are small filtered lettered words. Cookies are helpful for us in remembering your preferences. So that, it is convenient for you to check the website on the subsequent visits properly. 


Airports TerminalFind disclaims all warranties. It includes those related to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. We don’t ensure that our website is free from errors, interruptions, or viruses to the users. We don’t have any responsibility for the issues coming to the users operating the website. 

Limitations of Liability

AirportsTerminalFind does not hold any liability regarding direct, indirect, consequential, or punitive damages related to you while using the website. 

Links to Third-Party Websites

These provided on our website are not for any third-party endorsements. If you use such links then, you hold the responsibility to verify these links on the website. If you leave an Airports TerminalFind page to visit an external site. We recommend you check the terms and conditions of the external website to avoid any issues later on. 

User Behavior

You agree to follow the list of things on using the website:

  • Be lawful in using the website.
  • Don’t try to defame any individual content presented on the website. 
  • Don’t put any offensive content on any section of the website. 

Code of Conduct

As a responsible user, we expect you to behave ethically on using the website to take the required information. Don’t post any abusive, obscene, or offensive content in comments on the website. We advise you not to share any offensive opinions. It may offend specific groups.

Don’t disclose personal information about others on any area of the website. Don’t try to defame the individuals. The failure to follow the code of conduct mentioned in the terms and conditions could cause the restriction to access the website. 

User Data Protection

We take important security measures to protect the user’s data available on the website. It is our responsibility to keep in a safe condition from the third-party users. 

Changes in Terms and Conditions

We hold our right to do the required notifications in the terms and conditions provided on the website. Therefore, we advise you to review them periodically to know the mentioned changes in the terms and conditions section. The continuous usage of the website signifies that you accepted the terms and conditions provided on the website. 

Contact Us

Please don’t hesitate to connect with us if you have any concerns regarding the terms and conditions mentioned on the website.